Alternative Investment Awards 2018

2018 Alternative Investment Awards 12 Most Innovative Integrated Index Provider 2018 STOXX Ltd. is the operator of Deutsche Boerse Group’s index business, calculating a global, comprehensive index family of over 12,400 strictly rules-based and transparent indices. We invited Roberto Lazzarotto, Global Head of Sales to share a riveting insight into the firm and the work it undertakes. Company: STOXX Ltd Contact: Roberto Lazzarotto, Global Head of Sales Address: Manessestr. 85-87, 8045 Zürich, Switzerland Phone: +41 43 430 71 60 Web: STOXX is one of the leading providers of underlyings in the ETF space with over USD138 billion assets across 293 ETFs tracking its indices, which are the number one and two in the retail and institutional derivative space respectively. Roberto explores how the firm works to remain at the forefront of emerging developments in the market and to offer clients the solutions they need in this ever evolving space. “Recently in the index market, the three main trends are around factor, ESG and thematic investing. To adapt around this, at STOXX we have recently launched our factor indices which have been licensed to Eurex as underlying for futures; this validates our definition of factors and makes it available in the market as a tool that everybody can use. We have also created a range of solutions in the ESG space, because sustainable investing is becoming more and more important. We see ESG really as a crossroad between factor and thematic investing. Finally, STOXX is the leader in thematic investment thanks also to our unique ability to adopt and consume multiple data sources in our production framework for the benefit of our clients.” Operating in such a competitive market, it is vital the STOXX marks itself out as the best option for clients and sets itself apart from other similar firms in the industry. Roberto shares how the firm achieves this thanks to its unique service offering. “Fundamentally, the key to differentiating ourselves from our competitors and marking STOXX out as the best possible option for our clients is user experience. Our product lines cover different user needs and offer unique characteristics: from quality benchmarks, customized indices to white label solutions. Our competitors do not offer the full value chain with comparable products to the same extent. We are innovative, work with the best third parties as partners and have an open architecture. Alongside this, all of our indices are completely rules-based and transparent so that clients can rest assured that they are getting the service they need when they work with STOXX.” Ultimately, STOXX’s success over recent years has been driven by its dedication to excellence and focus on continuous development, and this will remain the firm’s focus as it looks towards a bright and prosperous future, as Roberto is proud to conclude. “Over the past few years the wider investment industry has been driven by the same forces that have driving us. To ensure our ongoing success STOXX has been evolving from an index provider into an Intelligent Investments Factory. Our evolution has been empowered by unforeseen advances in technology and our constant pursuit of innovative investment concepts, and moving forward we will be continuing to adapt our service offering and innovate our solutions to meet the needs of our clients in today’s investment market.” AI180004