13 April 2017 PLATE-SIGZONE:CN-KSI-QLI-FLA-BM,1STAR,50-50-50-50-50,B-B-B-B-B,SPECIALCS-SPECIALCS-SPECIALCS-SPECIALCS-SPECIALCS,6,11: BLACK ONLY Plate Label: CN-KSI-QLI-FLA-BM,1STAR,50-50-50-50-50,6,11 - Wed Aug 6 19.37.38 EDT 2008 Section-Low: SPECIALCS-6 HEALTH HIKE IN HARLEM 5K Walk-A-Thon encourages folks to exercise BY JAY MWAMBA SPECIALTOTHENEWS WHETHER YOU’RE taking part in the Health Walk-A-Thon or just on a stroll in Harlem’s Morningside Park on Aug. 23, it’s unlikely you’ll miss the tent-covered, calming,palm-linedloungewithoasis-like surroundings set up by Wellness Interac- tive for free massages and other relaxing therapies. This special treat by the nation’s lead- ingwellnessconsultingfirmwillbepartof Harlem Week’s first annual 5K Health Walk-A-Thon that will meander through three historic uptown parks as part of an initiative to combat obesity and diabetes. Wellness Interactive’s lounge will cater to visitors in Morningside Park from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Guests will learn about and receive complementary and alterna- tive health treatments, such as massage therapy, aromatherapy, acupuncture and the ancient Chinese technique of pres- sure-pointmassageknownasreflexology. Itwillincludearesourceareawithread- ing material and educational tools, a lounge where visitors can enjoy light or- ganicfoodanddrinkswhilewaiting,anda treatment area where professionals — someof whom are from the community — will demonstrate therapies such as cup- ping, ear candling and do antioxidant screening on volunteers. The Harlem Week debut of South Or- ange, N.J.-based Wellness Interactive is perfectly in line with the celebration’s theme for 2008: “The Health of Our Com- munities Is Our Top Priority.” “Thisispartofthehealthinitiativetoed- ucate the community on complementary and alternative treatments, and we hope that the experience is exceptional for peo- ple that have never had a massage or re- flexology,” said Desiree Watson, Wellness Interactive’s president and CEO. “We’ll have people check in for the Walk-A-Thon, go in and get information and try a treatment or massage.” In addition, Wellness Interactive will hold a seminar on how to use its brand- new interactive portal — www.wellnessinteractive.com — which will be launched before the walk-a-thon. The Web site will offer, among other things, video and radio programming on wellness,access toonline communitieson health and wellness, and information about herbs and supplements. A recipient of the National Action Net- work’s Woman of Excellence award, Watson defines Wellness Interactive, which she founded in 2000, as being “in the business of wellness.” Wellness Interactive’s original focus was educational programming for women and children. Today, it serves as a princi- pal resource for corporations, organiza- tionsandprofessionalsinterestedindevel- oping and implementing educational pro- grams that promote a wellness lifestyle. Wellness Interactive also has partnered with the national American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) to bring the well- ness lounge to people of all ages. For information aboutWellness Interac- tive, call (973) 275-3868 or visit www.wellnessinteractive.net . BY LINDA TARRANT-REID SPECIALTOTHENEWS STEP BY STEP AND inch by inch, participants in Harlem Week’s first annual Harlem 5K Health Walk-A-Thon will stride toward healthier, more active lives on Aug. 23. The 5K walk — organized with the help of the New York Road Runners, the city Parks and Recreation Department, the NYC & Company tourism agency, lo- cal hospitals and colleges — is part of the Greater Harlem Chamber of Commerce’s year-long Harlem Healthy Living initia- tive to improve the health of Harlemites. The3.1-milewalkwillkickoffat9a.m. from 110th St. and Manhattan Ave., and end at Bradhurst Ave. and 151st. St. Along the route, walkers will visit three historic Harlem parks — Morningside Park,St.NicholasParkandJackieRobin- sonPark—wheretheimportantmessage of the Harlem Healthy Living initiative will be echoed through health screenings and other activities. The walk is designed to combat obesi- ty, promote exercise, educate the public about organ donations. At all of the sites, there will be health screenings provided by the partner hospitals, voter registra- tion, employment opportunities, live radio broadcasts and cultural program- ming. “Each park has been adopted by at least two hospitals,” said Lloyd Williams, presidentandCEOoftheGreaterHarlem Chamber of Commerce. “Our hospital partners include Mount Sinai, St. Luke’s- Roosevelt, the Ralph Lauren Cancer Cen- ter, the College of Podiatric Medicine, HarlemHospitalandtheHospitalforSpe- cial Surgery. And our college partners, also located at the three parks, are: Co- lumbia University, City College, Touro College and the Borough of Manhattan Community College.” In addition to the health compo- nents, there will be park rangers at each city park who will guide visitors on history-filled, educational walking tours. For information about the 5K Health Walk-A-Thon, go to harlemweek.com online. To register for the walk, send e-mail to harlem-
[email protected]. The event also will serve as a fund-raiserforHarlem Week’sHar- lem Healthy Living project. Visit harlemhealthyeatingandliving.com for information about the initia- tive, registration and contribu- tions. Flyer for the first Harlem Week Health-A-Thon 5K Walk. Wellness Insitute will feature a Wellness Lounge in Morningside Park, like the one it sponsored in Atlanta in May. 2008 FOR EVENTS SCHEDULE, VISIT WWW.HARLEMWEEK.COM ONLINE Taking the edge off with free relaxation therapies Junior Ortez of the American Associa- tion of Retired Persons gets prepped for acu- puncture treat- ment at a Wellness Lounge in Atlanta. Thursday, August 7, 2008 DAILY NEWS nydailynews.com SPECIALCS 6