Wealth & Finance April 2017

23 April 2017 “We want to continue to deliver excellent service and advice to our clients. We are only successful if our clients continue to want to use our services. We have a ‘mantra’ which is: ‘If can’t make you money, save you money or leave you better informed, we’ve failed.’ So far, we’ve not failed! Our Business Purpose can be summarised as follows: We will help you: Have an achievable Financial Plan and, Take the pain out of complex financial decisions, So, you have peace of mind and more confidence about your financial future. Company: MAP Financial Ltd (Independent Financial Advisers and Mortgage Brokers) Name: Andrew Pople, Director Email: [email protected] Web Address: www.mapfinancial.co.uk Address: Midhurst Road Chambers, 2a Midhurst Road, Liphook, Hants GU30 7ED Telephone: +44 (0)330 3300013 Please Note; we also offer Estate Plan- ning Services via our sister Company, Map Financial Estate Planning Ltd (www.mapfinancial-eps.co.uk) .

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