Wealth & Finance April 2017
25 April 2017 “A good part of EAMs are now too small for being able to survive (1 to 3 people), offer only one expertise (portfolio management without advisory services or CIO), express difficulties in bringing transparent solutions and value added to their clients. On top of all this, a vast majority of these actors are turning or have turned 55/65 years old and there- fore do not want to build new teams and services. These investment boutiques cannot afford to hire senior investment specialists dedicated to macro research and products. They finally must pay external services such as our “CIO Office Solution” for getting access to a professional advisory and investment committee services” “Surprisingly, each crisis has helped our firm to increase both its reputation and simultaneously its revenues. Due to a lack of credit in the market following the credit crunch, and based on the team expertise -we have developed an offer around corporate needs that has met people’s needs, the Bernie Maddoff story helped us to develop the fund support activities due to a need of transparency, a third-party monitoring and credibility from a recognised external team.” “Moreover, the private banks themselves are indirectly helping us to de- velop businesses through their changing employment policies (reduced job security, constantly increasing pressure and decreasing rewards) and also their approach towards their clients (arbitrarily closing bank accounts of smaller clients in order to manage fewer relationships). We now talk about externalisation and independency from banks.” Ludovic concludes that clients are more and more comparing ser- vices, looking for fee transparency, alignment of interests and open architecture while talking about investments and custodians. Our company has evolved since its inception in 2011 and developed several complimentary activities that led to several well-deserved awards and recognitions from peers based on this long-term approach. Company: TCA Asset Management Name: Ludovic Bonnamour - Managing Director Email:
[email protected] Web Address: www.tca-am.com Address : Rue du Port 8/10, 1204 Geneva, Switzerland Telephone: +41 (0)22 566 5250
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