Fintech Awards 2018
2018 FinTech Awards 15 Company: Acuity Management Limited Contact: Tracy Sawyerr Tel: + 44 (0) 203 6033722 Web Address: AI180012 Most Innovative Compliance Management Software Company 2018 MyComplianceOffice is a powerful software solution that automates compliance and risk program activities and demonstrates an organization’s culture of compliance. We caught up with MCO CEO, Brian Fahey, to find out more about this innovative solution. Company: MCO Contact: Brian Fahey Phone: 1-866-951-2280 Website: Originally, a technology development division within Fidelity Investments, MCO became a standalone company in 2008. Today MCO supports a range of clients around the world, offering them unrivalled support in the vital compliance space. Brian discusses how the firm works with these international clients to ensure that they receive the service they need. “With more than 500 customers in 60 countries, at MCO our mission is to advance the business reputations of our clients. It is well-known that non-compliance raises serious doubt in the minds of the public and regulators. We created our integrated suite of Conduct Risk solutions to ensure that client’s procedures are reliably compliant. Knowing that their compliance processes are operationalized through automation, clients can turn their attentions to more challenging compliance concerns and confidently manage the pace of regulatory demand.” This unique solution is becoming increasingly important in today’s technologically dependant, regulation driven market, as Brian highlights. “In recent years, regulators around the world have been investing substantial resources to combat anti-bribery and corruption (ABC) law violations, which can arise in many forms within an enterprise. For instance, an employee might receive a gift or expense entertainment involving a third-party vendor, above limits that might otherwise be an accepted business courtesy. An employee might give a lavish gift to a customer or prospective client. A sales team might be inappropriately incentivized and thus compromise the interests of customers. Or a supervised employee might expense a gift or hospitality on behalf of a politically exposed person (PEP) to influence a business deal. “Organizations often lack the capacity to monitor employee activities to curtail ABC misconduct. For example, when firms submit data related to gifts and entertainment activity, it tends to be entered as free-form text, making incident reporting arduous and time-consuming, if not FIN18012 impossible. As such, an automated conduct risk management solution that tracks a firm’s ABC policy as well as supervised persons and their third-party affiliations, such as ours, makes it not only possible but easy to monitor gifts and entertainment activities to spot problematic relationships and thus thwart corruption.” Ultimately, the firm’s solution is particularly important as new anti- bribery rules come into place, as Brian concludes. “In today’s market, MCO’s compliance management software helps institutions reduce their risk of misconduct. Our powerful platform lets compliance professionals demonstrate that they are proactively managing the regulated activities of the company, employees and third- party vendors. Looking ahead, we will continue to support them as their industries evolve.”
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