Nov22526 FinTech Awards 2023 Wealth & Finance Best Alternative Physical Metals Trading Platform 2023 - UK Distributed ledger technology is a game changer and using Ripple blockchain to ensure traceability and ownership security is solving many challenges that have traditionally been part of the user experience with exchange-traded funds or physical precious metals. Ripple implementation in metals trading is just the start of the adoption of blockchain technology which will radically transform the economy. In the digital ecosystem such cryptocurrencies representing digital rights to physical metals have the potential to address regulatory concerns by decreasing volatility and facilitating adoption. The XAU issuance is already traded on Gatehub. Gatehub is a platform for the Internet of Value, built on XRP Ledger protocol that allows everyone to send, receive, trade, and manage any type of assets. The physical metals will be stored with one of the leading security carriers, whereas physical metals will be supplied by eMetals Gateway Ltd. (registered with The Birmingham Assay Office, founded in 1773 to provide assaying and hallmarking of precious metal items) and the tokens representing such ownership rights will be issued by eMetals s.r.o.. eMetals s.r.o. will submit a respective notification as soon as MICA is in force should this be required. Moreover, eMetals will issue proof of assets to ensure token holders that the tokens are fully backed by physical metals. Each token issued on Ripple represents proof of physical ownership of fine metals, holders of which are given the right to request physical delivery of their metals. All gold is redeemable for LBMA-accredited good delivery bars and free from any settlement or credit risk. Investors will be able to trade gold, silver, platinum, palladium and rhodium around-the-clock, 365 days a year. Gatehub or other exchanges will maintain active buy and sell orders with the specified maximum bid-offer spread and offer the best trading conditions following the liquidity attracts liquidity rule. The future looks bright for eMetals Gateway Ltd. as it continues to address regulation concerns and decrease risks. Long may its success continue. Company: eMetals Gateway Ltd. Web Address: eMetals Gateway Ltd. decided to offer investors an alternative way to invest in, and trade, physical metals by combining the performance of the London clearing system with the transparency of an exchange-traded asset. Digital metals can be thought of as digital representation of rights secured by encryption and use of distributed ledged technology (DLT). Here we learn more about eMetals Gateway Ltd. as it wins its title in the FinTech Awards 2023.