37. FinTech Awards 2023 Wealth & Finance Best Big Data Processing Software Developer 2023 - Canada The large and complex sets of data, known as ‘big data,’ are too big to manage, process or analyse using traditional tools and methods. Big data is not only characterised by the sheer volume and variety of both structured and unstructured data it encompasses but also by the speed at which it is collected and processed. Using advanced analytics and processing techniques such as machine learning and artificial intelligence, valuable insights are gained from big data sets. The process offers immense potential in industries such as healthcare, finance, marketing and manufacturing. One company that’s ahead of the curve when it comes to big data processing is Newaurora. Founded in 2018, the company counts among its clients, top architects in the utilities, finance and automobile industries and has the capability to refine data for any industry. In 2022, the company’s R&D team launched its data refinery Phase 1, complete with data streamlines, 3TB+ data storage, a data lab, an e-commerce platform and its cloud data library. This AI-powered data refinery platform is equipped and ready to deliver business intelligence and data interpretation on demand. Working in partnership with university research teams, Newaurora has access to potential markets across industries on a worldwide scale. Business Intelligence Architect, Peter Cui, has been with the company since the beginning. He tells us, “Our big data refinery within the FinTech industry typically falls under the umbrella of data analytics and financial technology. Newaurora plays a critical role in helping our clients build trust and retain customers as well as ensuring a positive user experience.” By focusing on several key areas, including security and privacy, customer support and communication, regulatory compliance and continuous innovation, Newaurora has created a strong foundation for growth in the fintech arena. When asked how Newaurora plans to stay ahead of the competition, Peter says, “We understand the importance of keeping pace with the latest industry developments. To remain competitive and continue to provide valuable services we monitor many areas. They include conducting our own research and development and seeking out and developing the best talent that the industry has to offer. By making strategic alliances we’re able to develop innovative solutions that meet the evolving needs of our clients.” In such a fast-moving industry it’s no surprise that the internal culture at Newaurora has a significant impact on the value the company is able to provide. Peter explains, “Our focus is to be customercentric, adaptable and agile. By ensuring we understand our clients’ pain points we are able to prioritise and develop solutions and services that address their specific needs. By encouraging employees to explore new technologies, experiment with new approaches and pursue their professional development, we are certain to remain at the forefront of our industry.” Looking to the future, the company plans to continue its investment in areas including cloud adoption and hybrid solutions, data ethics, hyper-personalisation and the customer experience. To find out more, or to try out the Newaurora platform, visit the company’s website. Company: Newaurora Corp Web Address: www.newaurora.ca Jun23397 Ontario-based company Newaurora Corp is a big data refinery that provides full-cycle data services. By collecting, refining and interpreting high volumes of raw data, the company is able to take a low-value starting product and transform it into high-value commercial intelligence for a range of industries.