W&F Issue 2 2018
Wealth & Finance International - Issue 2 2018 13 Beautiful Living and More! Offering a wide range of services, :TSC typically works with both national and international rental clients, of which up to 80% are large companies and corporations, who have recognised the importance of good housing for their executives when relocating. Renate outlines the overall mission of the firm, describing what steps and techniques are in place which will enable the firm to hit and exceed its targets. “Here at :TSC, our specific value is our most comprehensive service to the house owners as well as to the prospective tenants and buyers of our properties. From the very first meeting to the final contract, and sometimes far beyond, our team is competent and service oriented.” A major factor in being successful in the real estate industry is customer service, and ensuring that the client’s expectations and requirements are met. Renate alludes to the strengths of the company, citing the skilled support service and network of staff as a key characteristic of the firm which entice clients. “Competent support, utmost discretion and qualified, reputable market assessments have always been strengths of our company and have made us an important contact for properties around the Munich area, Starnberg and its surroundings.” Operating within Munich leads to many benefits for the team at TSC, and Renate explains how like most other regions, there is increased demand for real estate, along with rising prices. “Essentially, the Munich region, like other European and international metropolises, enjoys a steadily rising demand for real estate with a continuously rising price level. As a result, affordable living space is becoming scarce in certain segments. On the other hand, many new projects have been created in recent years with a continuing trend. “An extreme positive for our region is the economic situation and development in combination with a particularly high level of quality of life. This is due to the wonderful nature with many pristine lakes, the Alps with an extremely high recreational value all year round, and the proximity to Austria, Switzerland and Italy.” With an increased demand for real estate, it is vital that :TSC look to constantly innovate and develop their techniques and solutions, looking to stay ahead of developments and Renate highlights how this helps the firm to stand out in the industry. “Within the company, we are constantly monitoring the latest developments in the wider market, not only in the field of real estate. In the past, we were one of the first companies to use the internet as an important sales platform. The internet with all its possibilities is more important than ever, and we use it today in conjunction with a state of the art CRM system that benefits both our customers and us. The presence and marketing in social media is self-evident.” Commenting on the growth of the company, Renate emphasises the loyalty of staff, explaining that many of the firm’s employees have been there since the start and overseen the continuous and impressive growth of the business. “Over the last 22 years, our company has grown organically, and most of our employees and cooperation partners are still a solid part of the team today. Importantly, our long-term customers appreciate this very much.” Looking towards the future, Renate signs off by mentioning the upcoming projects and plans which the firm have lined up, and seems excited about the change within urban life as a key area which :TSC would like to focus on. “Moving forwards, we are currently negotiating and cooperating with project developers and want to enhance this area. In this regard, ‘micro- apartments’ as a new development in urban living seems very interesting to us, also from an investors point of view. “Overall, urban life will change significantly. Trading on the internet for example is already crowding out “Within the company, we are constantly monitoring the latest developments in the wider market, not only in the field of real estate. In the past, we were one of the first companies to use the internet as an important sales platform. The internet with all its possibilities is more important than ever, and we use it today in conjunction with a state of the art CRM system that benefits both our customers and us.” Beautiful Living and More! :TSC Real Estate has been operating in the field of rental and sales of luxury homes for more than 22 years. Renate Koop provides us with an overview of the company, going into detail about the homes and services that the well-renowned firm offers. the classic shop in many European cities. Not only here, but worldwide there will be new options and opportunities arising which make the future look exciting from our point of view.” Contact: Renate Koop Address: Muenchnerstrasse, 19a, 82319, Starnberg, Germany. Phone: +49-8151-911462 Website: www.tsc-immobilien.de : TSC IMMOB I LI EN CONSU LTI NG
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