www.wealthandfinance-news.com 16 Wealth & Finance International - 2022 Management Consulting Awards APR2w2 Factory Fixers’ Founders, Richard and Damian, brought 70 years of experience in performance development and leadership and created a bespoke consultancy service focused on factory improvement. Operating alongside a full bench of professionals, Factory Fixers takes work from poor to excellent and delivers fast results. Its fast response, globally, has become the cornerstone of Factory Fixers’ reputation – as well as supplying the best people for each situation. The people that it employs are the top people in their disciplines. They are experts in various disciplines such as leadership and coaching, crisis management, margin improvement, program launch and diagnostics and due diligence. The company ethos is driven by the recognition that some businesses need short-term temporary support to meet their commitments. Factory There are many factors that go into the smooth running and operation of factories and, with this revolutionary firm, Factory Fixers, anything is possible. For unrivalled performance improvement, Factory Fixers guarantees results anywhere in the world. Here we explore its work in the field as it wins this prestigious award. Fixers ensures they have the talent and seasoned professionals to deliver and, with its culture to deliver results, it is the one that can provide. This culture helps it stay well ahead of its competitors and Factory Fixers doesn’t know of anyone that truly offers the same level of service. It is nigh-impossible to find consultants who will completely take the reins of a line, department or factory, and shoulder responsibility for delivering results in the same way. This allows clients to achieve next-level results – and empowers them throughout the process. Factory Fixers is the only consultancy service that takes full responsibility for delivering results on every level. Thanks to this very hands-on approach, effectively treating the client’s business as its own, Factory Fixers has developed close relationships and trust among high-level executives across the board. Factory Fixers: Best Emerging Management Consultants – UK Aug22108 Factory Fixers has demonstrated the quality of its performance due to its repeat business and growth exponential growth – and it shows no sign of slowing down as it continues to grow, year upon year. Factory Fixers brings a unique and refreshing approach to consultancy. Its willingness to fully inject itself into situations and to take full responsibility for everything is an approach that has propelled it far, particularly in the sectors that it operates within. It is the perfect fit for short-term coverage whilst providing longterm solutions, and this perfect combination is what makes Factory Fixers the Best Emerging Management Consultants in the UK. Contact: Richard Wilshire Company: Factory’s Fixers Web Address: https://www.factoryfixers.co.uk