Wealth & Finance International - March 2017

Wealth & Finance International | March 2017 www.wealthandfinance-intl.com Great Expectations Ahead To celebrate the success of Azizi Bank winning the Finest in Finance - Best Bank in Afghanistan award, Mohammad Salem Omaid, President and CEO writes about this bank’s amazing array of services, plus their emphasis on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities, as well as women’s emancipation in the workplace. Also In This Issue... Clarity of Thought - Digital Clarity / Fishing for Compliments - SMF / Structured Equity Solutions - DVO Real Estate, LLC / COABE - Coalition of Adult Basic Education / New Era for North American Energy - Tortoise Capital Advisors / Driving Success in Real Estate - CWS Capital Partners / Working for Individuals - Thomson Snell & Passmore Pictured Left, L to R: Will Clark - SellMyHome / Joanna Walker - Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) / Oliver Draeger - FAROS Consulting / Kenneth R. Smith - Empirical Wealth Management / Lilian H Weinreich Architects R I CHARD T Y L E R I N T E R N A T I O N A L ® TAYLORASSOCIATES Empirical Wealth Management ® Advice you can trust Strong Ties Between Germany and Uruguay Reinforced Weigel Corporate Finance

http://www.azizibank.com/ http://www.azizibank.com/ http://www.azizibank.com/ http://www.azizibank.com/