10th September 2024

Best Capital Markets Email Enhancement Company 2024

When it comes to email intelligence, no company has its finger on the pulse quite like Canada’s Street Context. In today’s digital world, email is the most used communication tool in the capital markets and beyond. This is an irrefutable truth. However, the process is usually far from perfect, with countless hours lost to the administrative tasks involved with sending, tracking, and following up on emails over the course of the week. Thanks to a platform that is designed to enrich, rather than replace, the user’s pre-existing email system, Street Context offers an email enhancement solution that is easy to use, simple to deploy, and already leveraged by more than 150 firms in over 20 countries worldwide.

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Best Capital Markets Email Enhancement Company 2024

When it comes to email intelligence, no company has its finger on the pulse quite like Canada’s Street Context. In today’s digital world, email is the most used communication tool in the capital markets and beyond. This is an irrefutable truth. However, the process is usually far from perfect, with countless hours lost to the administrative tasks involved with sending, tracking, and following up on emails over the course of the week. Thanks to a platform that is designed to enrich, rather than replace, the user’s pre-existing email system, Street Context offers an email enhancement solution that is easy to use, simple to deploy, and already leveraged by more than 150 firms in over 20 countries worldwide.

“On the Street, connections are everything.”

Essentially, it is the double meaning inherent in this phrase that lies at the core of Toronto’s Street Context, a company that knows winning is all about being in the right place at the right time, as well as having the right tools to drive the right conversations. This is why the real-time email insights that it provides – discussed further below – have swiftly given its clients an edge, allowing them to capitalize on the attention of their customers and convert it into revenue    

By making it fast and easy for senders to both distribute emails and understand exactly how they are engaged with and consumed by the recipient, Street Context has proven an invaluable resource for its users, a group spanning every asset class from sales and trading to research and investment banking. Whichever class a client falls into, the company’s team strives to work closely with users to ensure that Street Context, in all of its multi-award-winning glory, is the right email enhancement solution for their business and its unique needs.

Enabling clients to achieve their intended high-value conversations much faster than even the closest competitor, a semi-annual impact survey conducted by the company revealed that more than 90% of its users saved at least two hours on average per week, with some even reporting having saved more than five hours weekly. Aside from this, seven out of ten users reported having between one and seven extra conversations with clients per week and an additional eight percent even feeding back that they had more than 15 additional conversations.

“60% of Street Context’s users say that it’s the most valuable tool they have.”

For those wondering how or why such impressive numbers are achieved across the board, it all comes down to this industry’s make-or-break factor. Speed. Today’s markets move incredibly fast, and this means that emails need to as well. The chances are, if an email isn’t the first on its topic to a client’s inbox, it is already too late, and somebody else has gotten the client’s attention. What Street Context does so well is to deliver emails with such speed that they will almost certainly reach the top of the list every time, but without sacrificing on reliability or depriving clients of a number of enhanced features that benefit the overall user experience.

From providing automatic contact updates to managing any email bounce backs, as well as monitoring delivery times and sending email notifications about high priority contact activities, Street Context ensures that all of the bases are covered for its clients. This unwavering commitment starts with perhaps the most important element of email delivery – ensuring an email goes into a client’s inbox and not their spam folder. This is achieved thanks to holistic protection from spam markers that effortlessly preserve one’s sending reputation.

With Street Context users are able to send personalized, one to one emails to an unlimited number of contacts in seconds, not minutes with minimal workflow interruption to deliver the maximum value. As an extra level of customization, dynamic content (merge tags) are available to add a personal touch that can make a world of difference in the long run. It is defining elements such as this which lend themselves to the impressive statistic that most of Street Context’s new business comes from users switching firms and insisting on bringing Street Context with them.

“Street Context is the only email enhancement tool purpose-built for the pace and scale of global capital markets.”

As a cloud-based network that operates safely and securely on Amazon Web Services (AWS), Street Context is able to host a series of network and production systems without a hitch. This means that all of a client’s data is entirely secure, something that is backed by regularly audited SOC 2 type 2 certification and a steadfast adherence to ISO 27001. A dedicated information security team is on staff full time to continually monitor and update security protocols to maintain the strictest security standards, a fact that reassures compliance departments at some of the biggest banks in the world. In the unlikely event that security questions arise that cannot be immediately answered, the Street Context InfoSec team will work with the firm’s compliance team extensively to see that any questions are quickly answered.

On the back of this, the company is incredibly proud to be leading a world-wide email evolution, unlocking a global network for its clients to maximise in the process. Upholding this entire operation is a stellar workforce who have made it their mission to understand what users care about and help them find the best way to leverage the emails they’re already sending to gain actionable insights. By empowering their customers to elevate their communications, the team here are single-handedly nurturing smarter conversations, more robust relationships, and better revenue generating opportunities for not only their clients, but their clients’ customers as well.

As the only company focused on improving email for capital markets – where it is the biggest and most relied upon communication channel – Street Context has pioneered a game-changing solution that boasts industry-leading deliverability, efficient list management, and actionable engagement analytics, to name just a few of its standout features. Street Context promises minimal workflow disruption to users, allowing them to send and receive emails through their existing email tools while providing them back actionable, real-time insights.

Street Context’s unique engagement insights are made further accessible by the fact that they are not only summarized in regularly scheduled emails but can be viewed either through the company’s own intuitive dashboards or integrated into a client’s CRM/business intelligence tool via API. By enabling users to see and use this data in a way that works for them, Street Context is taking a proactive approach towards client service, living its overarching ethos that sees clients and users of the platform placed firmly at the centre of everything that it does.

The company’s support and success teams are dedicated to ensuring users are getting the most out of the platform. “Our clients are not only our number one priority but our greatest advocates”, says CEO Blair Livingston. “Our utilisation metrics are consistently in the 85-90% range, and we’ve never lost a client in our 12-year history.”

Street Context’s clients come for the promise that they can say goodbye to everything they hate about email. They stay because this email enhancement platform does exactly that, and so much more.

“We are the only firm focused on enhancing email for the capital markets, giving users the insights they need to better target follow ups based on when to reach out, to whom, and about what. We have dedicated teams building and innovating on functionality and accuracy to make our insights second to none. We track and gather the analytics that matter to the industry. Since our sole focus is capital markets email, we’re committed to making it the best that it can be on both the buy side and the sell side.”

Since their singular focus is on email enhancement for capital markets, the team here is wholly committed to assessing this from all angles. Until earlier this year, their sole focus has been building out a high value, user friendly solution for sell side firms, gaining over 5,000 users across over 20 countries, but they have recently introduced a new buy side product that promises to improve email for the buy side and connect both sides of the street in a way that has not been possible before. Both of these areas can leverage the company’s software to cut through the chaos usually associated with the world of email and instead focus on attaining the high-value conversations necessary for success. This is just one example of how Street Context enables its clients, all of whom already represent the best of the best, to consistently operate a cut above the norm.

For sell-side firms, Street Context’s robust platform gives them the seamless email capabilities necessary to build lasting relationships, make more deals, and ultimately affords them the recognition that they deserve, all thanks to its unique and industry-leading email intelligence capabilities.     

The company’s newest release, Street Context for Broker Relations, currently in a closed beta with select development partners – including some of the largest hedge funds in the world –  allows portfolio managers and broker relations professionals to optimise their productivity by quickly and easily distributing change requests and notifications to the companies and the people that they want to build relationships with and receive information from. The next year will see a broader release of a similar, more refined version of the product. In time, these two products will connect to build a thriving ecosystem for the capital markets, which again will contribute to the company’s aim of making email truly work for its clients.

The future of the buy side solution is bright, the company is working towards centralizing subscription management, ensuring PMs have the most valuable information at their fingertips without the extra “noise”, ensuring uninterrupted and value-added coverage from the sell side.     

Focusing holistically on the needs of buy- and sell-side teams has resulted in the sharpest players across the global capital markets relying on Street Context for their email communications, something reflected in the impressive statistics that it boasts. With more than 50,000 distribution lists, over 1.4 million contacts in its network, and in excess of 70% of all platform users logging in every day, one does not have to look very far to see that Street Context’s platform is truly something special. A Net Promoter Score (NPS) of 70 is yet another indication of the company’s ongoing positive contributions in this space.

So as to foster further engagement with, and provide more value to, its client base, the company’s aforementioned and much-quoted CEO, Blair Livingston, also publishes regular thought pieces that can be subscribed to here. These engaging articles primarily cover industry trends, hot topics, and value-added insights, and there is a vast back catalogue available for those interested in learning more. New pieces are being written and added to this hub regularly, meaning that there has never been a better time to subscribe and gain access to the thoughts and opinions of one of the sector’s best and brightest minds.

To briefly conclude, in a sphere where the problem is often an overload of information, Street Context’s solution succeeds by empowering its clients to cut through all of the unnecessary noise like a hot knife through butter. After all, this is an environment where deals are both won and lost in an instant, but where CRM and other such email marketing tools frustratingly do not offer the speed and reliability that is necessary to get the job done right. With over 12 years of experience leveraged in order to go above and beyond for its clients, the possibilities are endless thanks to this groundbreaking software.

Those wishing to know more are invited to follow the link below and visit the company’s website, where they can read more about the company, the product, and the value for each use case, and even request a demo to see for themselves what this valuable email enhancement tool can do for them.

There is no longer any reason not to make every email a competitive advantage. Things really are that easy thanks to Street Context.

Recognised as the Best Capital Markets Email Enhancement Company 2024, Street Context takes email intelligence to lofty new heights, from which a client will never want to come back down.

For business enquiries, please reach out to Street Context at [email protected] or visit their website at

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