READ MOREArticles7th June 2019What can cryptocurrencies offer during political upheaval?Commentary by Ana Bencic, founder & CEO of Nexthash The political and economic climate within the UK has been uncertain in recent months. The value of the pound has been turbulent and it has been rising and falling in response to political events, such as the Brexit vote and the recent departure of the prime […]
READ MOREArticles22nd September 2014Alibaba Shares Surge on DebutWith the iconic Wall Street building resplendent festooned in the orange and white colours of the firm, Alibaba's shares closed notably above their initial price on closing on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) on Friday.
READ MOREArticles7th February 2014One in Four Not Ready to RetireNew research from Prudential has highlighted how attitudes to retirement are changing, with nearly one in four (23 per cent) people planning to retire this year saying they don’t feel ready to stop working altogether.
READ MOREArticles16th August 2018Reflecting on six months of MiFID IIThe financial services industry is in the throes of a new era. In January, the biggest overhaul of its operations in the past decade was implemented – the second Markets in Financial Instruments Directive, or MiFID II for short. MiFID II had
READ MOREArticles12th September 2018The Next Generation of TradersThe reality of trading taking place on the floor of the stock exchange, with traders shouting down telephones and punching in orders is long gone. As are the days of having to call your stockbroker and place an order. This perception might continue on TV, but the reality is that the modern trader is equipped with a mobile phone.