Five Ways To Save Money On Fuel This Christmas
As all motorists will know, fuel prices are one of the many hidden costs of owning a car, and with fuel prices set to reach a six-year high, now is the perfect time for motorists to start thinking about how to get the most out of their tank.
To help motorists cut costs over the festive period, the UK’s leading car parts provider, Euro Car Parts has shared their top five ways to save fuel by driving more efficiently.
- Drive at one speed through speed bumps
Some driving styles can mean extra fuel is used when driving over speed bumps, and learning how to properly tackle them could save motorists a lot of money.
Motorists can avoid any unnecessary fuel consumption by driving at a constant speed between bumps. Accelerating or braking too often in between speed bumps is when most fuel is used.
- Don’t overfill your tank
It might be common knowledge that carrying excess weight reduces fuel efficiency, but did you know that overfilling your tank can actually make your car less efficient?
Although it seems counter-intuitive, brimming your tank will lead to extra fuel being used to transport the extra weight, and by only filling it up to half full you can cut extra weight and save money in the process.
- Managing your revs
Most drivers barely look at the RPM (revolutions per minute) count when changing gear and rely on the sound or ‘feel’ of the engine. However, in doing so, you could be over-revving without even knowing, and wasting precious fuel with each gear change.
The most fuel-efficient RPM to change up a gear is 2,500 for a petrol car and 2,000 for diesel. So next time you’re changing gear keep an eye on the revs count, stick to that number and the pennies you’ll save will soon stack up.
Additionally, try to avoid dropping your revs too low, as this could cause unnecessary strain on the engine and waste fuel. Staying above 1,500 revs in petrol and 1,300 in diesel cars should comfortably avoid this.
- Slow down on high-speed roads
Driving at high speeds down dual carriageways and motorways means your engine is operating at a higher RPM than it is on slower roads.
However, by simply slowing down a little on those fast roads you could end up saving a lot of money. The most efficient speed to drive at is between 55-65mph, and driving at 70mph compared to 80mph could save you 25% more fuel.
- Turn your engine off
It might seem obvious, but it’s worth remembering that keeping your engine idle whilst stationary and not using your car still burns fuel.
Leaving your car running on a cold winter’s morning, or keeping the engine on whilst sat in stationary traffic, wastes a lot of unnecessary fuel. If you know you’re going to be stationary for some time, it’s a good idea to turn off the engine to conserve your petrol or diesel.
Chris Barella, Digital Services Director at Euro Car Parts, said: “Driving more economically can save a lot more money than drivers may realise. By following these tips not only are you kinder on your wallet, but you’re also helping to cut down on unnecessary emissions”.
For more information on driving efficiently and saving fuel visit during the winter months visit: https://www.eurocarparts.com/blog/top-5-winter-driving-tips