Business owners often require external financing sources to sustain day-to-day operations. Such sources are necessary when proprietors need to procure funds to manage business operations. For this purpose, they need an external financing source if internal options such as personal savings or funding from family and friends are unavailable.
The primary sources of obtaining external financing for a business are either taking on debt or selling ownership stakes to investors. Each of these options possesses a unique set of pros and cons, and the selection ultimately depends on the business owner’s goals and objectives.
Debt financing for small businesses refers to borrowing money from outside sources to run the operations of the business. The owner of the business is then obligated to pay back the original borrowed amount, plus interest, according to the terms of the loan agreement. A repayment plan for the principal and interest is usually established when the financing is secured.
Pros Of Debt Financing
It can offer numerous advantages for businesses, including;
Tax Deductibility Of Interest
One key advantage of debt financing is the tax benefits it offers. Interest payments on debt can be considered a business expense and are tax-deductible, reducing the overall taxable income of a company. This means that for businesses with a marginal tax rate of 30%, a portion of the interest payments can be shielded from taxation. This tax advantage makes debt financing a more attractive option compared to equity financing.
The repayment of the loan amount (principal) in debt financing is not eligible for tax deductions.
Management Control
When borrowing from a bank or lender, your obligation is limited to making timely payments as scheduled. You maintain control over the operation of your finance and business. It is free to make decisions without any interference from outside investors.
Small businesses have greater ease of access to debt financing compared to equity financing. In fact, only a small fraction (0.07%) of small businesses ever turn to venture capital markets for equity financing, with the majority relying heavily on debt financing.
Cons Of Debt Financing
While talking about finance and business, debt financing offers multiple advantages, but it also has some drawbacks. including;
When any business owner uses debt financing and borrows money. The owner should repay both the principal amount and interest, regardless of the financial condition. The obligation to repay the debt remains even if the business fails or is forced into bankruptcy. In such scenarios, the lenders have a priority claim for repayment over any equity investors.
Cash Flow
Excessive reliance on debt financing can impact a business’s cash flow as regular payments for both principal and interest must be made. To find out the balance between debt and equity financing, a business owner can find out its debt-to-equity ratio. the lower ratio of the cash flow is more desirable. Low or negative cash flow is a common challenge faced by small businesses, and relying too heavily on debt financing can exacerbate this issue.
Credit Rating
While taking on additional debt may appear attractive as a means of obtaining funding for your business, this practice is known as leveraging up. It shows the wrong side of your credit rating. Each loan will be recorded on your credit report, and as you borrow more, the risk to the lender increases, resulting in higher interest rates on subsequent loans.
Debt financing offers a number of advantages and disadvantages to small business owners looking for external funding sources. On the one hand, debt financing offers tax benefits in the form of tax-deductible interest payments and the ability to maintain management control without the need for profit sharing. However, debt financing also requires regular payments of both principal and interest, which can strain a business’s cash flow, lower its credit rating, and even require the use of personal assets as collateral. A lot of online trading platforms such as and others are available for trading and financing your investment virtually.
Therefore, it is crucial for business owners to thoroughly understand the concept of debt financing and weigh its pros and cons before making a decision. In doing so, they can determine if debt financing is the right choice for their business and take steps to minimize the associated risks.