8th June 2021

Q2 2021

Welcome to the 2021 Q2 edition of Wealth & Finance International Magazine. As always, we endeavour to provide fund managers, institutional and private investors with the very latest industry news in the traditional and alternative investment spheres. After a year that has been shaped by a global pandemic, the predominantly successful roll out of vaccine programmes across the world has meant that the much-anticipated arrival of ‘life after lockdown’ seems finally to be on the horizon. Consequently, businesses of all size across all industries have been gearing up for the reopening of global markets that will mark the beginning of a new economic era. This preparation for the reopening of the world is a consistent theme of the companies featured in this edition of Wealth & Finance International. From high street retailers regaining traction after months of online stores dominating the commercial landscapes, to the at times challenging but client-centric decisions made by our cover feature company, Fairbanks Insurance Brokers, the Q2 edition of Wealth and Finance is rife with stories of resilience and innovation demonstrated by companies throughout the global financial service and wealth management sector over the last year. We wish you all the best for the months ahead and hope that you stay safe and well until we meet again in the next edition of Wealth and Finance International Magazine.

Issue Cover Circle Circle

Q2 2021

Welcome to the 2021 Q2 edition of Wealth & Finance International Magazine. As always, we endeavour to provide fund managers, institutional and private investors with the very latest industry news in the traditional and alternative investment spheres.

After a year that has been shaped by a global pandemic, the predominantly successful roll out of vaccine programmes across the world has meant that the much-anticipated arrival of ‘life after lockdown’ seems finally to be on the horizon. Consequently, businesses of all size across all industries have been gearing up for the reopening of global markets that will mark the beginning of a new economic era.

This preparation for the reopening of the world is a consistent theme of the companies featured in this edition of Wealth & Finance International. From high street retailers regaining traction after months of online stores dominating the commercial landscapes, to the at times challenging but client-centric decisions made by our cover feature company, Fairbanks Insurance Brokers, the Q2 edition of Wealth and Finance is rife with stories of resilience and innovation demonstrated by companies throughout the global financial service and wealth management sector over the last year.

We wish you all the best for the months ahead and hope that you stay safe and well until we meet again in the next edition of Wealth and Finance International Magazine.

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