20th May 2024

Riding the Technological Wave: Key Trends Shaping the Future of Software Development in 2024

We live in the era of modern technology, and we are supposed to understand it. New technologies are introduced into society almost daily, and software development is one of the most important areas driving these advancements.

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Riding the Technological Wave: Key Trends Shaping the Future of Software Development in 2024

We live in the era of modern technology, and we are supposed to understand it. New technologies are introduced into society almost daily, and software development is one of the most important areas driving these advancements.

Software development helps in many ways, and programmers simply cannot work without it. Even non-advanced users may require its assistance. For example, it can be used to complete the startup stages smoothly. This informative article focuses on the main trends of software development in 2024 to understand how it will influence the future of technology.

AI-Augmented Development

Software development is strongly focused on augmentation. It’s just logical because AI-driven technologies use generative AI and machine learning. Augmentation development sufficiently speeds up the whole lifecycle of software development. Here are the major advantages of it for the industry:

  • Faster production of the code
  • Translating code to modern languages
  • Facilitating the design-to-code option
  • Enhancement of testing

AI-augmented development sufficiently boosts developer productivity. Of course, the demand for speed is of utmost importance here.

Emphasis on Cybersecurity

One of the most significant and popular trends is cybersecurity. It is a priority of all organizations, enterprises, and individuals who work on the Internet. Numerous kinds of cyber hazards exist, and their number continuously increases and changes every year.

The emphasis on cybersecurity is multifaceted. It focuses on different aspects, such as:

  • Cloud technology
  • Remote or hybrid work setups
  • Devices for IoT, etc.

Software development looks for different approaches to ensure cybersecurity. This tendency never seems to get outdated.

Surge in Low-Code/No-Code Development

Another important tendency in 2024 will be using and developing low-code/no-code (LCNC) platforms. These platforms allow everyone to enhance software without applying standard coding skills. This technology includes the following options:

  • Drag-And-Drop Modules
  • Pre-Written Features
  • Pre-Written Templates
  • Configurations, Etc.

They are pretty simple to use and cheaper than common software development features. This trend is important because it saves a lot of money and helps to develop the company’s trends much faster. So, it has a bright future for 2024 and beyond.

Industry Cloud Platforms

Another trend to follow in 2024 is industry cloud platforms or ICPs. They are required when generic solutions are not effective enough. So, businesses implement them for finance, healthcare, manufacturing, and other needs. This technology helps to be faster and more flexible.

Platform Engineering

This trend is likewise important. It helps to reach a better level of customization. Special platforms are engineered to suit the needs of developers, product teams, or individual users. Every platform serves a definite purpose to make the coding experience more convenient. Such platforms offer a wide range of tools that provide more capabilities and processes. This technology became necessary because of the complexity of modern software architectures.

Further Adoption of AR/VR

AR and VR have been trending for at least a decade, and their popularity only seems to be growing. Today, they are widely implemented by diverse businesses and niches all over the globe. Many even combine these realities, which is called mixed reality (MR). Experts claim that this sector will hit 100 billion USD by 2026 worldwide. It’s claimed that the most popular industries for AR/VR are education, customer service, healthcare, and others.


The market for microservices is another trend for 2024. These are small services that businesses may require from time to time. For example, one business needs only cloud adoption, another requires cybersecurity improvement, etc. So, the main purpose of this market is to deliver only specific small services.

Blockchain Beyond Finance

Everyone needs to protect their financial transactions. Of course, blockchain technology is the best method to achieve that objective. It helps achieve immutability, transparency, and security when sending or receiving financial data. Businesses from all over the globe actively implemented this technology after it showed impressive results in protecting cryptocurrencies. In 2024, we’ll see advancements in blockchain-as-a-service (BaaS) technology that will be combined with cloud-based networks. 

Sustainable Software Development

Finally, one of the most interesting and noteworthy trends for the year 2024 is sustainable software development. It’s necessary to develop technology and take care of the environment at the same time. Thus, different experts and organizations (such as Microsoft) suggested “Sustainable Software Engineering,” which is supposed to protect nature, meet climate needs, and boost technology. The experts are looking for the most effective methods of optimizing code, reducing information processing, and so on.

The Bottom Line

Software development plays a critical role in technology development. Without it, technology would not be importable. The trends we’ve highlighted above will be important for many years.

Categories: Articles, Digital Finance

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