
FinTech Awards 2019

Decom Switzerland LLC

Decom Switzerland LLC is one of the 2019 winners of FinTech Awards at Wealth & Finance.

Award Logo Circle Circle

About Decom Switzerland LLC

Best Crypto Asset Management Firm – Switzerland

<p><em>Decom Switzerland LLC is an independent crypto asset management company based in Switzerland that facilitates access to the entire crypto universe for institutional and private investors. Its objective is to offer a diverse range of actively managed investment solutions. The company&#8217;s core goal is to create long-term wealth through crypto assets. </em></p> <p><em>Founded in mid-2017 &#8211; several months before the unprecedented boom &#8211; it recognized early on the potential inherent in this type of service. Since then, Decom has made a name for itself in the crypto asset management industry. </em></p> <p></p> <p></p> <p></p>


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