
Artificial Intelligence Awards 2019

Mind Affect

Mind Affect is one of the 2019 winners of Artificial Intelligence Awards at Wealth & Finance.

Award Logo Circle Circle

About Mind Affect

ALS Interactive Communication Innovators of the Year 2019
Best Brain Signal Interface Technology Company 2019

Intriguing research has been done to further understanding of our brain, and to directly interface it with computers. However, for students, researchers, and developers it was almost impossible to use this knowledge, because it has not been productised. We have bundled our knowledge in neuroscience and IT for Brain Computer Interfacing (BCI) in an affordable and easy to use kit. We gained this knowledge in helping locked-in patients, and we allow anyone with basic development skills to build their own BCI-application, and do further research. We are truly opening up new dimensions of interaction: you can now command a computer by directing your attention.


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