
Wealth & Money Management Awards 2015


PensionDanmark is one of the 2015 winners of Wealth & Money Management Awards at Wealth & Finance.

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About PensionDanmark

Best Labour Market Pension Fund – Europe

PensionDanmark is a Danish industry-wide pension fund established in the early 1990s. Membership is determined by collective agreements between employers’ organisations and unions. The fund has more than 650,000 members with total asset of more than DKK 165 bn. (EUR20bn) – and growing fast.

PensionDanmark offers defined contribution pension plans, insurances in the case of death, disability and critical illness as well as healthcare products. The funds key deliverables are managing the pension plan effectively at low costs and investing the customers fund in the best responsible way given the current economic climate.

The fund setup of a defined contribution plan on a mark-to-market basis without any guaranteed minimum yields, limits the restrictions on investments from solvency regulation and thus maximum freedom in setting the optimal asset allocation.

By nature, the fund’s investment style is contrary and value orientated. Investments are managed in a lifecycle product. PensionDanmark believe the best investment results are most likely to be achieved with a relatively small and focused investment team combined with focused outsourcing to external managers where it can contribute to risk diversification and overall performance.

In 2009/2010, PensionDanmark implemented a change in the asset allocation moving away from government and mortgage bonds and instead identifying asset classes and assets that have a stable cash flow with very little correlation to the overall business cycle, hence assets that can act as a stable base in the portfolio and supplement more risky investments in equity and high yield bonds.

The overall goal for the strategic asset allocation is to allocate 10% for investments in prime Danish real estate (primarily commercial) and 10% for direct infrastructure investments (including renewable energy).

Back in 2010 PensionDanmark was one of the first pension funds to invest directly in offshore wind-farms. Currently the fund has invested in 1820 MW of onshore and offshore wind farms, bio-mass power plants and other renewable energy assets as well as power and gas grid assets.



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